Conditions for usage and distribution apply as mentioned in the front
All programs and texts are in an experimental state and no warranty at
all applies.
AREF2 | 85K | Xref-Generator | |
BASICV (no TAS) | 12K | 08.10.97 | Reading Basic Variables |
C1Monitor | 15K | 08.01.98 | Monitor/Assembler/Safety Device |
CCNV (no TAS) | 2K | 20.06.98 | Character/String Converter |
CONVERT | 11k | 14.07.98 | Character Coding Converter |
CDISK/CBACK (x) | 28K | 11.08.99 | (Background) Backup Utility |
CIRCUITS | 7K | 14.08.99 | QL peripheral pin-outs |
E86 | 24K | 30.10.99 <= | Editor Device |
LATIN-1/FOUNTS | 6K | 28.11.97 | Character Fount |
MCLONE (no TAS) | 6K | "The Self Cloning Jobs" | |
MEMV (no TAS) | 5K | 30.05.98 | Memory/Shift Lock Monitor |
RECOVERQ | 164K | 28.11.97 | Disc Recovery/Copying |
RECOVERX (no TAS) | 80K | 05.08.98 | QXL.WIN Recovery/Copying |
QLIBRUN | 8K | QLib runtimes, modified | |
QSEND (a) | 28K | Remote Job Control | |
SLD (x) | 10K | 31.05.98 | System Load Display |
SORT (no TAS) | 5K | 14.07.98 | Strings Sorting Filter job |
UHR (a) | 11K | 12.08.97 | A Clock |
QXL | 140K | The QXL Version of SMSQ (2.76) |
Pinouts of several QL-related interfaces, Sandy Q Board, GAL program - old, forgot where from.
A filter to sorting text files while they are input to the job, using a
very fast modified "Quick Sort" algorithm. This is the original file, as
written by L.R., with the only one modification that it can be invoked to
comparing case independently, additionally.
Job & source, which also contains some documentation on usage, in the
A filter job to translating a file between different character encoding models, as QL, IBM, ATARI, AMIGA, MAC, E-ASCII, and (special char's expanding) 7bit code. Quite an ancient program, but as recent as the character conversion problems are...
A filter job to translating a file by single characters into strings of up to 253 characters, ea. Further description and an example to translating QL-text to LATIN-1 with HTML character entities in the archive.
A job to graphically monitoring the system load. Description and program source in the archive.
The operating system "SMSQ", version 2.76, as supplied with the QXL, and the P.E. files, PEX31 inclusive, can be used as a reliable and stable (not being "updated" every month or so) reference. This one is also much less memory consuming than the "SMSQ/E" versions.
A very efficient and versatile freeware editor for plain text and multiple editting sessions, which further implemets a device and thus can be accessed by LOAD, SAVE, etc. Suitable to any QDOS style system.
For instance, with no need to intermediately storing an assembler source to RAM, directly assembling the text being editted, and sending the listing into another EDI-job:
E86 (4.8./30.10.1999)
An S.Basic function to reading any variables of any S.Basic- or
QLib-compiled job.
Archive with code, DATA-loader, doc and assembler source.
The code could be modified to writing, which would be a bit risky,
Cross-reference generator for "DEA"/"disa"-style GST-assembler text
Executable compiled job as an example for the IO2 tool kit, *Basic
source inclusive.
EX AREF2_obj
starting the job which then expects some keyboard input as (very shortly) explained in the start-up screen. Memory requirements at least about 170K plus three times the source file length, the latter may be distributed to several different media.
can be executed if the IO2 is present, and PEX20(+), and the QLib runtimes.
This will save about 110K of memory space. - Due to till unknown problems
(bugs in IO2? - but more probably, at least with the SMSQ systems, due to bad
slave block handling on OPEN_IN opened files) the compiled program
might get stuck with long label names; it always did work reliably, though,
with alphanumeric labels, containing no trailing non-numeric digits.
Those errors now (4/99) have been tracked down to the INPUT routine of
the QDOS/SBasic systems (SMSQ as well as MINERVA). Apparently there is nothing
wrong neither with the IO2 extensions nor with the QLIB runtimes - while the
danger of corrupted slave blocks during NETworking in the SMSQ(/E) & QXL
system still remains, independently.
The latest AREF version (27, SBasic only) was
changed accordingly, modified and extended to executing slightly faster and to
further including the references to macros and assembler variables. There was
also an error in FIND of the IO2 section "ep0", which is
fixed with the latest version (11/1999).
The program relies on the latest IO2 and QLIBRUN versions (4/99+).
Instead of another version:
7350 wy=W_RAND(#0):wx=W_LINKS(#0)-2*wy:wy=W_OBEN(#0)-wy will
fix the false outline setting after the window was moved on screen.
a group of functions and procedures to facilitate some inter job
communication, by transferring text and other data via PIPEs to and from
i/o CON channels, or other PIPEs.
[top] e-mail
can be used to recovering damaged files from HD/DD/ED floppies, backing up (and possibly repairing damaged) diskettes, copying foreign media as DOS, ATARI, or QL with "bad" structures, surface testing, fast formatting or formatting to user defined specifications.
Modified *Basic source; also running, with some loss of functionality, in the SMSQ(/E) systems (which don't implement the SuperBASIC "WHEN variable" facility).
can be used to recovering and/or extracting single or all files en bloc from QXL.WIN files or (pseudo-)drives.
RecoverX is an F6 program which compiled and was successfully run in any
true QDOS style systems of GC-QL/MGG, GC-QL/MINERVA, QXL/SMSQ(2.76), UQLX.
Another archive includes the F6 source text and some
further documentation.
3rd version with improved cross-linked blocks recognition, and without TAS (for Amiga).
Sorry: Also re F6 bugs page.
is a job with a simple analogue display clock, of variable size (by
string parameters) 12*16 pixel up to full screen. It should arrange itself in
a button frame if present, and will always remain visible.
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With some proof of "legal" ownership (a copy of the code should suffice) I
can also supply the debugged (e.g. UNLOADing an overlay works, instead of just
reading the clock) and somewhat extended (Q_ERR_ON applicable to *Basic
FuNctions, also) versions of the other four QLib extensions.
Pse, send me an e-mail with your
original extension files attached to receive the modified versions.
LATIN-1 character set, explained and the fount supplied as a group
of DATA statements.
FOUNTS is a freely useable group of five character sets for the QL,
ready to be INCLUDed in assembly files for the GST-assembler.
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is a memory and shift/lock monitor job, taken from "memdisp", corrected to some extent, and modified to suit the requirements of the different QDOS operating systems, screen sizes and (changing) display modes.
It can be started as a job by its own
MEMV seems not to be functional with the AURORAs high resolution
The program was ok with the QXL and resolutions of up to 1024x768,
The latest version of MEMV is also included with the IO2 binaries collection.
Update (30.5.98):
The UQLX did reveal that malfunction, too, and though it appears to me
as just another program under the "QDOS Official Secrets Act" (quoting
J.R.Hudson), the code was modified to working as expected, in that emulator.
There is some chance that the job might now work with the Aurora...
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CDISK is a SuperBasic extension for backing up single files, directories, groups of directories, an entire disk(ette), deleting directories; with different options (ver. 19):
(none) copy overwriting source to destination. MOVE copy and delete source. MPTY don't copy, delete source. NAME update if disk labels are equal. RFSH copy only newer files already present in the destination drive. UPDT copy any new(er) files.The procedure will always carry on as long as possible, and, for instance, not terminate just because a single "bad sector" was encountered, thus very often enabling disk recovery where some other, even most superior(?), systems can (and did) fail - e.g. Linux, xx-DOS, etc.
Bugs fixed: Filetype code transfer & MGG errors with directories.
Improved UQLX handling (".."-names ignoring, etc.)
Forced filename extensions delimiter conversion added.
The self cloning jobs example (with assembler source) taken from Adrian Dickens' "QL Advanced User Guide", adopted to the more recent QL systems.
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